2023-2024 Board of Directors

Oct 3, 2023

CEC held it’s 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday September 26, during which CEC reached important milestones!

New By-Laws

The members of CEC approved revised By-Laws for the organization (currently under translation). Through the adoption of these by-laws, Climbing Canada becomes one of the first National Sport Organization in Canada to be fully compliant with the Canadian Sport Governance Code. This compliance will be a requirement for funding as of April 1, 2025. CEC is therefore more than a year ahead! Kuddos to the board members and organization members who worked so hard on this consultant process.

Not one, but two Athletes Directors

Through the adoption of the new by-laws, the members are showing support for CEC’s mission to become even more athlete-centric. For the past 5 years, CEC has had one athlete-representative on the board of director. But now, we will have 2! These athletes are elected by their peers, and will sit on the board with the same roles and responsibilities as other directors. They will also be Co-Chair of the reformed Athletes Commission (more details coming soon!).

Congratulations to Michael Finn-Henry and Babette Roy!

New Board of 11 directors

With the new by-laws in place, the members have elected a board of 11 directors to govern Climbing Escalade Canada. This board is 100% compliant with the Code, in respect to independence of directors, gender parity (5F/6M), and term limits.

Congrats to this year’s directors!

Elected for 1 year (2023-2024):

  • Carrie Croft (New) – Quebec
  • Joanne Carilli-Stevenson (New) – US
  • Michael Finn-Henry (New) – British Columbia
  • Michelle Ang (returning) – British Columbia
  • Nicolas Valence (returning) – Quebec


Elected for 2 years (2023-2025):

  • Babette Roy (New) – Quebec
  • Joachim Stroink (returning) – Nova Scotia
  • Lesley Hillier (New) – New Brunswick
  • Mohammad Havaledar (returning) – Ontario
  • Paul Dormaar (returning) – Alberta
  • Rahul Sapra (returning) – Ontario




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CEC has a few TICKETS available for the Climbing Sessions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. If interested in purchasing tickets, please contact info@climbingcanada.ca asap - first come first serve!

 CEC dispose de quelques BILLETS pour les séances d'escalade des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets, veuillez contacter info@climbingcanada.ca dès que possible - les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis !

CEC has a few TICKETS available for the Climbing Sessions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. If interested in purchasing tickets, please contact [email protected] asap - first come first serve!

CEC dispose de quelques BILLETS pour les séances d'escalade des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets, veuillez contacter [email protected] dès que possible - les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis !

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