NT Athlete Profiles “Part III”

Aug 5, 2020

CEC wishes to recognize the athletes selected for the 2020 National Team Program. Despite not having any 2020 results on the world stage, these athletes have accomplished so much to get were they are now. Their performance, passion, and dedication have unfortunately been shadowed by the pandemic. It’s time we recognize who they are, it’s time we celebrate their performance!

We will profile 4 athletes every week. Read about them and reach out to congratulate them on their selection on the 2020 National Team!

This week’s athletes are:

Guy McNamee
Zoe Beauchemin
Sebastien Lazure
Madison Fischer

Read National Team Athlete Profiles – Part II here
Read National Team Athlete Profiles – Part I here



Pronouns: He / Him
Home Gym: The Hive Bouldering Gym, Vancouver, BC
Coach: Christian Core
2020 Results: OBN – 1st, Selection Camp – 1st, NTP Boulder Rank – 2nd (only behind Sean M)
2019 IFSC Results: Chamonix Lead WC – 65th, Briancon Lead WC – 77th

What disciplines do you compete in?
Lead, Boulder

What is your favorite discipline?

What are your long term goals in sport climbing?
Compete internationally on the Canadian National Team for Bouldering and Lead.

What one accomplishment are you the most proud of?
Open Boulder National Champion

Who inspires you in climbing? Why?
Sean McColl. Because he is a great climber and a big representative for Canada.

Who inspires you in sport? Why?
Adam Ondra. Because he is one of the best climbers in the world.

Who inspires you outside sport? Why?
My parents. They support me and believe in me.

What activities and interests do you have outside climbing?
Singing, cooking, reading

What is your motivational quote?
Body of steel, mind even stronger.

What message of hope would you share with our community in the mist of this pandemic?
We’ll get through this together. We will be stronger when this is over.


Pronouns: She / Her
Home Gym: Allez Up, Montreal, QC // Victoria, BC
Coach: Phillipe Bourdon
2020 Results: OBN – 7th, Selection Camp – 4th, NTP Boulder Rank – 6th

What disciplines do you compete in?

What is your favorite discipline?

What are your long term goals in sport climbing?
One day I hope to attend a Bouldering World Cup, climb V10 outdoors, and rock climb at a crag on every continent

What one accomplishment are you the most proud of?
I’m super psyched to have achieved a personal best ranking this past year; 6th on the National Bouldering Team.

Who inspires you in climbing? Why?
My friend Becca! Since we met in 2015, she’s been such a kind, generous, headstrong, and positive individual. There are not a lot of Canadian female student athletes in competition climbing and somehow she balances all of them so well. Her enduring positivity, tenacity, and drive are very inspiring.

Who inspires you in sport? Why?
I have a really hard time choosing one single person who inspires me! I’m honestly usually in awe of most high-performing athletes in any type of sport. I find that the psych is infectious.

Who inspires you outside sport? Why?
My friends as they live in the moment and tend to not stress the little things! In athletics, it’s easy to become hyper-focused on the minute details. I really like having the balance and other people to push me to focus on the bigger picture and to always have fun.

What activities and interests do you have outside climbing?
When I’m not climbing I’m probably either in the kitchen baking or adventuring in the outdoors. One day, when I don’t need calluses, I’d like to go back to surfing and push myself in that sport!

What is your motivational quote?
Train today to perform in a year

What message of hope would you share with our community in the mist of this pandemic?
Practice compassion towards yourself and others! It’s a difficult time for everyone in one way or another; emotionally, physically, politically, etc. Keep in touch with those around you, and use the resources you have to continue to engage with the world 🙂.


Pronouns: He / Him
Home Gym: Bloc Shop, Montréal, QC
Coaches: Mélissa Lacasse and Simon Généreux Vien
2020 Results: OBN – 6th, Selection Camp – 5th, NTP Boulder Rank – 7th
Best IFSC Result: 2017 Vail Boulder WC – 13th

What disciplines do you compete in?
Lead, Speed, Boulder

What is your favorite discipline?

What are your long term goals in sport climbing?
Continue to push myself every times and become the best version of myself.

What one accomplishment are you the most proud of?
13th place finish in World Cup and being consistant in competitions for so long. I am proud to put in the work and see the results!

Who inspires you in climbing? Why?
Sean as been an inspiration for a long time for his climbing style, passion and dedication to climbing! I am glad I could compete and travel with him numerous times! A lot of other great climbers also come to my mind.

Who inspires you in sport? Why?
Every dedicated athletes to their sport that gives the extra effort and follow their passion! They’re a reminder to follow your passions and that hard work pays off.

What activities and interests do you have outside climbing?
Making climbing holds, photography, travel, architecture, art, running, nature, plants, cats….

What is your motivational quote?
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard!

What message of hope would you share with our community in the mist of this pandemic?
I am sure that we will grow stronger from this adversity. Working together towards the same goal, we will find a way to get through it.


Home Gym: The Core Climbing Gym, Cambridge, ON
2020 Results: OBN – 2nd, Selection Camp – 2nd, NTP Boulder Rank – 3rd
2019 IFSC Results: Chongqing Boulder WC – 69th, Vail Boulder WC – 39th

What disciplines do you compete in?

What is your favorite discipline?

What are your long term goals in sport climbing?
Olympics 2024, IFSC WC Finals

What one accomplishment are you the most proud of?
100lb Weighted Pullups

Who inspires you in climbing? Why?
Tomoa Narasaki, he is a very consistent athlete who doesn’t seem to crave the spotlight.

Who inspires you in sport? Why?
Katrin Davidsdottir, Mat Fraser, they are my golden standard of what trying hard looks like.

Who inspires you outside sport? Why?
Cal Newport, he is a very clear thinker and has a career path that has been calculated and successful.

What activities and interests do you have outside climbing?
I enjoy writing a lot. I have my own blog madisonfischer.com where I write about the philosophies and psychology of being an athlete, and a second blog podiumpartner.com where I talk about best practices with training. I also own a popcorn business called Podyum, and I love spending all of the money I make there at Comic Con every year.

What is your motivational quote?
There’s no such thing as bad days. 

What message of hope would you share with our community in the mist of this pandemic?
It’s always about the long term. Don’t get hung up on the next competition or even the next season. We’re in it for the long-haul, sport climbing isn’t going anywhere.

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CEC has a few TICKETS available for the Climbing Sessions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. If interested in purchasing tickets, please contact info@climbingcanada.ca asap - first come first serve!

 CEC dispose de quelques BILLETS pour les séances d'escalade des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets, veuillez contacter info@climbingcanada.ca dès que possible - les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis !

CEC has a few TICKETS available for the Climbing Sessions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. If interested in purchasing tickets, please contact [email protected] asap - first come first serve!

CEC dispose de quelques BILLETS pour les séances d'escalade des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets, veuillez contacter [email protected] dès que possible - les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis !

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